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Fall SkiMo Strength & Conditioning

This 10-Week Program is designed to build a base of strength, stability and muscular endurance to prepare for the winter Skimo season.  

Strength training for Skimo will make our athletes more efficient and resilient while reducing the risk of injuries.

  • Dates: Aug 26 - Oct. 30
  • Schedule
    • Mondays 6:00AM - 7:15AM
    • Thursdays 3:30 - 5:00PM
  • Ages: 13+ (No prior strength training necessary.  This is for all Skimo athletes willing to put in a little extra off-season work and highly encouraged for all Race Team athletes)
  • Location: US Ski & Snowboard’s Center of Excellence
  • Coaching: Will Horstmann (PCSS Head Strength Coach, Masters in Sports Science, Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach), Adam Loomis, Program Director
  • Cost: 

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